Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Bear

Ava, Matt and I finally got to enjoy a decent snow... TOGETHER! When it snowed back in December, Ava and I got snowed in at my parent's house in Fuquay. Matt was excited to have his 2 ladies, 3 including Fergie, with him this time around.

We bundled Ava up in her adorable Bear outfit and took her outside to see the 8 inches of snow that covered the ground. No surprise, she was more interested in everything other than the white fluff!

Here is proud Papa with his little girl. I think Ava looks more and more like Matt everyday. In this picture, I think their eyes look almost identical. Fine by me! Everyone in his family has these piercing blue eyes... and if Ava inherits that gene, I'll be one happy Mama!

Don't worry, we weren't outside long. It was cold, windy, and our faces were being pelted with tiny pieces of sleet. We couldn't pass up the photo-op though. Matt and I are very much looking forward to the day when we can actually play with Ava in the snow!

Ever since Fergie was a tiny puppy, she has loved playing in the snow! This year has been no exception. This morning when we got up, I took Fergie to the back door to let her use the bathroom. As I opened the door, Fergie took one step out on the back deck, sniffed the snow on the ground, then ran (with impressive speed, I might add) in circles around the perimeter of our backyard for several minutes. I guess she figured if we wouldn't play with her, maybe the snow would!

Having lived in Utah and Michigan, my family always finds the weather reports amusing when snow is in the forecast. To any of my family in Baltimore, Chicago or Utah that may be reading this... let me give you an example of what I mean. Yes, Greensboro got 8 inches of snow. Yes, 8 inches is a significant amount for this region of the country. If you had spent any time in Greensboro yesterday, you would have thought the world was coming to an end though. Food was flying off the grocery store shelves at an alarming rate, lines were out the door and schools were even released 2 hours early. Now, a 2 hour early release means that schools dismissed around 12:30pm. The snow didn't start falling until 6 hours later. Yup, that's North Carolina for ya!

Even though I laugh at the reaction people have to snow here, I have truly come to appreciate it. As a Utah and Michigan native, I can remember times when it would be pouring snow outside and I wouldn't even take one second to appreciate it. Now, when the chance of snow is in the forecast, I find myself, along with most others in the community, about to burst with excitement! Snow is such a rare thing around here, that no one takes it for granted. When snow is predicted, that is all people talk about in the grocery store, at church, etc. Snow brings an electric energy to Greensboro that cannot be found any other time of year. Then, the morning after the snow falls, you step outside to a world of white and feel the biggest sense of peace as you look around at the beauty blanketing the ground. Isn't God awesome?

Funny story... I meant to include this with the previous "Cheeks" post, but it slipped my mind. Here is a hilarious conversation Matt and I shared the other week. 

Melissa: My dad thinks that Ava is starting to look more and more like you.
Matt: You know, now that Ava's cheeks look smaller, I think she looks more like me too.
Melissa: So... you're saying that when she was fat, she looked like me? Thanks.
Matt: No, no no!!! That's not what I meant!

Fortunately, I did know what he meant. I just saw an opportunity to put Matt's foot in his mouth for him, and I took it. And don't worry, Ava's cute cheeks are actually getting bigger again. I guess that means she's looking more like her chubby mama!

I couldn't help but share the following 2 pictures. This girl LOVES laying on her back. Changing table, chair, bed, play mat... It doesn't matter the location, she is HAPPY!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


One of the first things we noticed about Ava when she was born were her cheeks. Her cheeks have become her trademark, the thing people notice about her first, and what people seem to remember most about her. They're pretty darn adorable if I do say so myself. 

Well folks, let me introduce you to Ava's other set of cheeks. Come on. Every baby has to have at least one "butt" shot at some point during their life time. What am I talking about... at least one? I'm sure we'll have a boat load of "butt" shots throughout the years. Poor Ava, all I have to say is we'll have plenty of ammunition for your future rehearsal dinner! Sadly, I think the cheeks on her face are larger than the cute dimpled ones on her backside.

Ava has been smiling and laughing up a storm lately. It seems that her changing table is the happiest place of all for her. I'm not exactly sure why... Probably because she knows one of us is getting ready to clean up her latest blowout. :) At one time, blogger allowed video uploads. I either can't find that option anymore, or they have done away with it. So instead, I have posted a cute picture of Ava smiling, and have included a link to a video of her smiling and laughing. Click here to see it.

While Matt was at work today, Ava and I were enjoying some tummy time in her room. Not to be left out, Fergie came in wanting to play as well. Matt is not a fan of Fergie laying on Ava's blanket, and truth be told, neither am I. This particular day though, I didn't have enough hands to get Ava out of the way AND force Fergie off of the blanket. So what happened? Fergie made herself quite comfortable in Ava's play zone. And what did I do? Took a picture, of course! I have a feeling Fergie better get used to Ava invading her personal space. :)

I have started giving Ava a bottle for feeding right before bed time. Still my milk, she just eats it a lot quicker. As it turns out, Ava is one messy bottle eater. We have started using bibs on this little girl. I did not think we'd be breaking these bad boys out until she was eating baby food. Guess I was wrong. 

Matt and I enjoyed an evening out this past weekend. We went bowling with our Life Journey Group from church. Our friends, Greg & Laura, each have a pair of bowling shoes. Matt has always found that fact hilarious, and he never passes up the opportunity to make a joke about their shoes. Well, joke no more babe! Greg & Laura bought Matt his very own pair of bowling shoes! Gotta love it.

We were looking forward to a visit from Oma this weekend. She planned on coming to Greensboro for the day, spending time with us and spoiling Ava rotten. Unfortunately, the upcoming snow storm has changed her plans. Darn you snow! Don't get me wrong... I love the white stuff, and I am excited to wake up to a winter wonderland Saturday morning. So far this year though, snow has spoiled our Angus Barn dinner and a visit from Oma! Although we'll miss Oma this weekend, Ava and I have a major trip planned with her in 2 weeks. Ava, my mom and I will be flying out to Utah to visit my grandparents and introduce them to their first great-grandchild! Come back soon to see photos from our trip to the Wild Wild West!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Big Stinky Blowout

If you have read any of my previous posts, you may remember one where I mentioned lovingly calling my daughter, Little Stinky. You may also remember a separate post where I mentioned a well known natural disaster called the 'blowout.' Well, let's just say that Sunday night we experienced such a blowout, and Ava's name has been upgraded to BIG STINKY!

Let me paint the picture for you... Sunday evening, Matt and I were excited to attend the evening service at church where 2 of our friends were being ordained as Deacons. We were going to be in a church sanctuary for an hour, tops. "What could possibly happen?" I asked myself while packing up the diaper bag. Apparently... more than I realized. It was a bit drafty in the sanctuary this particular Sunday evening, so I had Ava wrapped in a blanket, sitting quietly in my arms. Her silence was interrupted by a certain sound in her diaper. "No biggie," I thought. The service was almost over and I could change her diaper then. All of a sudden, I noticed that my hand (conveniently placed under her bottom) was slightly wet. I'm sure you can figure out what the mystery liquid was. :) Not only had her 'blowout' gone through her outfit, through the blanket and onto my hand... It had also gone through my shirt. Awesome. I know this will not be the last blowout I experience with Big Stinky... I'm just wondering if I need a bigger diaper bag, for MY extra set of clothes!

Ava still enjoys bath time. Look at that cute little grin. She really enjoys kicking her legs and splashing the water around. While we're mentioning blowouts in this blog post, I may as well mention she had another blowout in the tub the other night... AFTER I had cleaned her off. If nothing else, the girl sure is regular! ;)

Gettin' dried off after her bath (yet another blowout location).

I had to buy some tights for Ava the other day. The smallest size they had was 0-9 months. Are you kidding me? That is quite an age range for a baby. The tights fit her fine in the legs, but good grief... The waist comes up to her arm pits!

By far, this is one of my favorite things to do with Ava. It warms my heart to have her fall asleep on my stomach at the end of the day, hearing her breath, smelling her hair and looking over at the other side of the couch and see my wonderful husband sitting with me. Doesn't get much better than that!

Fergie continues to be the best dog in the world. She is very protective of Ava and she loves her very much. That doesn't mean that Fergie isn't depressed though. Here she is, trying to steal some attention away from her dad while he's playing with Ava.

Ava had her One Month Check-up this past Friday (although she was 6 weeks old at the appointment). She sure is growing fast! She weighed 11 lbs., 2oz (she was 8 lbs., 2oz. at birth) and she measured 22.5 inches long (20.5 at birth). Just in the past week, Ava has started smiling like crazy, laughing, cooing and blowing bubbles. She is very aware of everything around her. It has been amazing to see all of the neat and wonderful things she is starting to do and learn!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bumbos, B'Jorns & Blowouts

For some reason, I was under the impression Ava's Bumbo chair would be left in her closet, untouched, for at least a couple of months before I could break it out for the first time. I was under the wrong impression. On a whim, I put the beloved seat on our kitchen table thinking, "Maybe she'll be able to sit in it long enough for me to unload the dishwasher." Not only was I able to unload the dishwasher, Matt and I were able to eat dinner, at the same time! The following picture is not as painful as it looks... I just think it's funny! I promise, she is yawning... not screaming!

To put the grandparent's minds at ease, this is how Ava looked for the majority of dinner... once the yawns were out of the way. Ava was fascinated with everything around her. She was particularly interested with the light fixture above the table. Ironically, my first word AND my brother's was, "light." I have to admit, if that is the first word out of my daughter's mouth, I'll be a little freaked out.

I've been sporting the Baby B'Jorn a lot lately. You'd think I would have a picture to go along with the story, but you'd be wrong. I'll work on that. All I have to say is, like the Bumbo, the B'Jorn is a God-send. I have been able to do exponentially more around the house during the day... Sure does make grocery shopping easier as well. Ava really likes snuggling into her new ride. More often than not, she ends up fast asleep. I think once she is able to turn around and face out though, she'll be gazing at everything in her path. Photos coming soon... she looks so cute/funny tucked into that thing!

You may have realized I have covered 2 of the items named in the title of this post. I saved the best for last... Blowouts. We have experienced very few actual blowouts, but we've had plenty of close encounters (don't worry, there definitely will not be any pictures of this one)! I am certain that many of you moms out there have experienced this "blowout" situation I am talking about. Wouldn't you say that the typical blowout happens from the back of the diaper? It just makes sense, the area that the blowout originates from is located more towards the rear of the diaper. Not our little Ava! She somehow manages to defy normalcy while creating a sticky situation out the front of her diaper. What can I say? The girl's got talent.

Mimi and Poppy came over to visit the other night. I couldn't help but post this picture. I think it is precious! Mimi sure does love her little 'peach.' I'm willing to bet the feeling is mutual! :)

Sunday, January 03, 2010

One Month Old!

We can hardly believe it! Our little Ava is one month old today! Matt and I just look at each other and shake our heads in disbelief when we realize how fast she is growing!

During this past month, Matt and I have been filled with more love, excitement, compassion, strength, thankfulness and awe than we have ever experienced. Ava continues to amaze us day by day!

The following 2 pictures were taken in her crib this afternoon. We plan on taking a picture of Ava, in a diaper, next to this teddy bear (thanks Doug and Jan), on the 3rd of every month... at least until she is 1 year old!

I am excited that Ava is healthy, and growing like a weed! :) I am sad to think though, how much bigger she will be in next month's photo.

Hope you all are doing well!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Name Calling

Baby Bear. Precious. Angel. Munchkin. Pumpkin. Baby Girl. Sweet Pea. Sweet Heart... The list of nicknames could go on and on. Matt and I spend just as much time calling Ava by a nickname as we do calling her by her actual name. While all of the names listed above are used on a frequent basis, Matt and I have two other nicknames for Ava that we use ALL the time. Matt quite often refers to Ava as "Sugar Booger" while I seem to be leaning towards "Little Stinky." Don't ask. Yes, both names could be considered vulgar, considering they dually reference bodily functions. We however, have found them quite fitting for our little girl. Don't worry, we realize that we'll eventually have to stop using these names, especially in public. For the time being though, our Little Stinky/Sugar Booger continues to grow, bless & amaze us every day!

Matt caught the most precious picture of Ava the other day. The wording on her onsie fittingly says, "Squeeze Me!" How could you NOT want to squeeze this little cutie? Ava continues to be the best baby in the world! Personal opinion, of course. :) It is a rare occasion if she ever fusses, she eats like a champ, sleeps like a champ, has the best/sweetest/cutest disposition and she melts our hearts like ice cubes in a fire!

Our golden retriever, Fergie, has done remarkably well with Ava. Fergie rushes to Ava's side at the slightest whimper and looks at us as if to say, "Well, are you going to help her, or what?" Yup, Fergie loves this little girl... Although I think she loves her former days of getting our undivided attention even more. Even though it is freezing outside, I have made a point of taking Ava and Fergie on a walk every day. The following picture is what Ava looks like when we attempt to brave the cold temperatures. I. LOVE. IT.

Matt loves this cuddly bear outfit too. Since he is out working his tail off during the day, he had missed the few times Ava wore this adorable bundle of fleece. He came home early one day this week (YAY) and got to see his baby girl sporting the outfit that makes her look like an Ewok from behind. I have to admit, it is almost impossible to put Ava down when you are holding her in this get-up. She looks so comfy! It almost makes me wish they made head to toe, animal inspired outfits made out of fleecy goodness for adults! Almost.

I caught this precious moment the other night... Ava was locked on her daddy's eyes during feeding time. Matt loves getting a chance to feed his Sugar Booger. I do too. Gives me a break! :)

Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!