If you have read any of my previous posts, you may remember one where I mentioned lovingly calling my daughter, Little Stinky. You may also remember a separate post where I mentioned a well known natural disaster called the 'blowout.' Well, let's just say that Sunday night we experienced such a blowout, and Ava's name has been upgraded to BIG STINKY!
Let me paint the picture for you... Sunday evening, Matt and I were excited to attend the evening service at church where 2 of our friends were being ordained as Deacons. We were going to be in a church sanctuary for an hour, tops. "What could possibly happen?" I asked myself while packing up the diaper bag. Apparently... more than I realized. It was a bit drafty in the sanctuary this particular Sunday evening, so I had Ava wrapped in a blanket, sitting quietly in my arms. Her silence was interrupted by a certain sound in her diaper. "No biggie," I thought. The service was almost over and I could change her diaper then. All of a sudden, I noticed that my hand (conveniently placed under her bottom) was slightly wet. I'm sure you can figure out what the mystery liquid was. :) Not only had her 'blowout' gone through her outfit, through the blanket and onto my hand... It had also gone through my shirt. Awesome. I know this will not be the last blowout I experience with Big Stinky... I'm just wondering if I need a bigger diaper bag, for MY extra set of clothes!
Ava still enjoys bath time. Look at that cute little grin. She really enjoys kicking her legs and splashing the water around. While we're mentioning blowouts in this blog post, I may as well mention she had another blowout in the tub the other night... AFTER I had cleaned her off. If nothing else, the girl sure is regular! ;)
Gettin' dried off after her bath (yet another blowout location).
I had to buy some tights for Ava the other day. The smallest size they had was 0-9 months. Are you kidding me? That is quite an age range for a baby. The tights fit her fine in the legs, but good grief... The waist comes up to her arm pits!
By far, this is one of my favorite things to do with Ava. It warms my heart to have her fall asleep on my stomach at the end of the day, hearing her breath, smelling her hair and looking over at the other side of the couch and see my wonderful husband sitting with me. Doesn't get much better than that!
Fergie continues to be the best dog in the world. She is very protective of Ava and she loves her very much. That doesn't mean that Fergie isn't depressed though. Here she is, trying to steal some attention away from her dad while he's playing with Ava.
Ava had her One Month Check-up this past Friday (although she was 6 weeks old at the appointment). She sure is growing fast! She weighed 11 lbs., 2oz (she was 8 lbs., 2oz. at birth) and she measured 22.5 inches long (20.5 at birth). Just in the past week, Ava has started smiling like crazy, laughing, cooing and blowing bubbles. She is very aware of everything around her. It has been amazing to see all of the neat and wonderful things she is starting to do and learn!
Gotta love the blowouts!! Just keep an extra set of clothes for you in the trunk! That is what I have had to do when Matty was spitting up so much. Love the tights. They will look great with some little Uggs on them :)
My niece is so in style with the high waisted look:) So cute. Miss you guys!
Awwwwe.....gotta love that Lil' Stinky! What a great story about your church "outing". Is there some type of warning to the blowouts? I mean, I can't wait to hold that little munchkin grandaughter of mine again, but I'd like to know if there's a signal to "hand her off". I know. I'll have a 13 gallon kitchen trash bag in my pocket at all times, and then lay it over my lap when I have the opportunity to hold the little one. :-)
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