Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bumbos, B'Jorns & Blowouts

For some reason, I was under the impression Ava's Bumbo chair would be left in her closet, untouched, for at least a couple of months before I could break it out for the first time. I was under the wrong impression. On a whim, I put the beloved seat on our kitchen table thinking, "Maybe she'll be able to sit in it long enough for me to unload the dishwasher." Not only was I able to unload the dishwasher, Matt and I were able to eat dinner, at the same time! The following picture is not as painful as it looks... I just think it's funny! I promise, she is yawning... not screaming!

To put the grandparent's minds at ease, this is how Ava looked for the majority of dinner... once the yawns were out of the way. Ava was fascinated with everything around her. She was particularly interested with the light fixture above the table. Ironically, my first word AND my brother's was, "light." I have to admit, if that is the first word out of my daughter's mouth, I'll be a little freaked out.

I've been sporting the Baby B'Jorn a lot lately. You'd think I would have a picture to go along with the story, but you'd be wrong. I'll work on that. All I have to say is, like the Bumbo, the B'Jorn is a God-send. I have been able to do exponentially more around the house during the day... Sure does make grocery shopping easier as well. Ava really likes snuggling into her new ride. More often than not, she ends up fast asleep. I think once she is able to turn around and face out though, she'll be gazing at everything in her path. Photos coming soon... she looks so cute/funny tucked into that thing!

You may have realized I have covered 2 of the items named in the title of this post. I saved the best for last... Blowouts. We have experienced very few actual blowouts, but we've had plenty of close encounters (don't worry, there definitely will not be any pictures of this one)! I am certain that many of you moms out there have experienced this "blowout" situation I am talking about. Wouldn't you say that the typical blowout happens from the back of the diaper? It just makes sense, the area that the blowout originates from is located more towards the rear of the diaper. Not our little Ava! She somehow manages to defy normalcy while creating a sticky situation out the front of her diaper. What can I say? The girl's got talent.

Mimi and Poppy came over to visit the other night. I couldn't help but post this picture. I think it is precious! Mimi sure does love her little 'peach.' I'm willing to bet the feeling is mutual! :)

1 comment:

Ken Smith! said...

Oma and Opa think the yawning is perfectly cute. What a nice little bundle of cuteness....