The next two pictures are my hunky husband, when he was a baby. I'm usually not the best at determining which parent babies look like. I think it's pretty safe to say in this case, that Ava looks like her Daddy! Take a look at the third picture (Ava). She has Matt's eyes, lips,.... ears!

The other night, Matt and I were looking at old home movies from his childhood. While Ava definitely favors Matt, she really looks like her aunt Erin (Matt's sister). I found the following picture on Matt's computer and couldn't help but post it. So stinkin' cute! I'll be thrilled if Ava turns out to look like autie Erin. Erin was beautiful as a baby and is even more beautiful now!

I can't believe it, but Ava turned 2 months old this past Wednesday. She's growing up so fast! Her 2 month check-up isn't until Monday, so I'm not exactly sure of her current measurements yet. I do know that she is only 2 months old and already fits in her 3-6 month old clothes. Poor kid... I can already tell she will have some of the fashion dilemmas I had as a child. Her legs are so long, she'll never find a pair of jeans that fit just right. Her feet are so big, I will have to buy women's high heels for her to play "dress-up" in. True story. My mom had to do that for me when I was little. My feet were always too big to fit into the pretty pink plastic shoes that came with dress-up costumes. Haunts me to this day.
Anyway, below are 2 pictures taken next to the same teddy bear from one month ago. How time flies!
On a side note, I have heard from a few people that the video link from the last post doesn't work unless you have Facebook. I will try to get the video posted to the blog in the near future for you non-Facebookers out there. Happy Friday everyone!
What a sweet post! The pictures of Ava, the niece-aunt look alike compliments! So nice, thank you!!!! We had fun shopping for Miss THANG today!
What a great time Oma and Opa had with Ava (and her lovely parents) this past 6Feb. Thank you for a wonderful day! We were thrilled at the way Ava is now looking us straight in the eyes, sort of saying " OK, who are you?"....Love you!@
she is absolutely adorable. [i probably can't say that enough.] i can't tell who she looks like, but she is precious. i love the teddy bear photos.
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