-Weight: 18 pounds, 4 ounces (in the 85th percentile)
-Length: 27.5 inches (in the 95th percentile)
-Head Circumference: 17 inches (in the 75th percentile)
Ava's teeth are getting bigger and bigger! I miss her toothless grin, but wouldn't you say her new toothy grin is pretty adorable as well?
Along with teeth, comes a toothbrush! Ava spent a good 5 minutes today just chewing on her new cavity-fighting tool. It's fine with me if she wants to play with it by putting it in her mouth. Hopefully getting used to it now will save me from many teeth-brushing power struggles in the future.
Notice the slightly orange tint to Ava's nose? That would be the result of the truck loads of orange vegetables Ava has eaten lately. Her favorite? Probably sweet potatoes and butternut squash. She'll eat any vegetable we put in front of her, no matter what the color. Orange vegetables just happen to be her favorite. Now fruit... That is a whole different story. Ava will have nothing to do with eating fruit. Anytime she sees her spoon diving into a new container of food, she will test it out by only allowing a drop in her mouth. If that drop happens to be fruit, she'll spit it out and seal her lips shut until she is offered a vegetable again. Ava tried bread today for the first time and instead of sealing her lips shut, her mouth was open like a baby bird! She loved the bread and she was ready for the next bite before I could even tear another piece from my sandwich.
I got Matt P90X as an early Father's Day gift. Yes, the guy who created the thing is just as crazy as he looks in the infomercials. I have done several of the workouts with Matt, and let me just say, owie. I am so proud of Matt for sticking with it every night. Once I am able to walk again, I'll probably re-join him for the workouts. Or, maybe my curiosity of the workout DVDs will diminish and in turn, my participation will diminish as well. Probably the latter. Matt would kill me if I posted pictures of him while doing any of the workouts, particularly yoga. I'll see how sneaky I can be with the camera. :)
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