Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The Princess & The Pea(s)

Lately, Ava has been mastering the art of eating table foods. Her food of choice tonight (well, my choice, really) was peas. It is funny and sad all at the same time when watching her try to feed herself. Typically, one of three things happens when Ava tries to get food from the table to her mouth.

1. She grabs the pea with her chubby little fingers and manages to make a fist around it. Out of sight, out of mind. Once the food 'disappears,' she is on to something else.

2. She finally manages to get the food into her grasp where she can see it. She moves her hand toward her mouth, and the food falls into the depths of her high chair... never to be seen again.

3. She gets the food into her mouth. Success!

Usually, there is a whole lot of scenario 1 and 2 before Ava makes it to scenario 3. She's learning and we are oh so proud of our baby girl!

Table foods have become a very regular part of her diet nowadays. Her current list includes: bread, chicken, hamburger meat, peas, carrots, green beans, cantaloupe, watermelon, pickles, cheerios, black olives, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, pancakes, toast... plus bits and pieces of anything else mommy and daddy are having for lunch and dinner. 

Actually, table foods really do seem to be her food(s) of choice at the moment. Ava has at least 2 more teeth that are currently breaking through her gums. I think that eating from a spoon is quite painful for her right now. She'd rather skip the hard plastic spoon entering her mouth and head straight for the squishy peas. Can't say that I blame her!

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