I love walking into Ava's room after she has woken up from her beauty sleep. Mainly, I love going into her room because it means I get to hug, kiss and play with her. I also love going into her room because as soon as she hears me open her door, she crawls over to the side of her crib, pulls down the bumper and flashes me the biggest smile her chubby cheeks can make. Yes, she looks like she is behind prison bars, but she doesn't seem to mind. We play a quick game of peek-a-boo before I take her out of the crib to play.
After one such game of peek-a-boo, I lifted Ava out of her crib to find a tribute to the 80's band, Flock of Seagulls, atop her precious head. What in the world? Normally, if she goes to bed with crazy hair, her slumber manages to un-kink, un-twist and un-tangle the mess. Not this particular day, my friends. Ava went down for her nap with perfectly combed hair and woke up with this funky do and bad to the bone post-nap glare.
Oh yeah, while we're on the crib topic, let me share with you Ava's new sleeping position of choice. I guess she technically still sleeps on her tummy, she just sticks her bottom in the air. This picture was actually taken mid-slumber the other night. I tip-toed into Ava's room, in the dark, aimed my camera, snapped the photo and ran out of the room before she woke up. Don't you just want to pinch those cheeks?
We've been doing a lot more than just marveling over Ava's latest crib accomplishments. Since the weather has been a little less humid lately, we have started spending more and more time outdoors. Ava really enjoys swinging on the hammock in our backyard...
We are rapidly approaching Ava's 9 month birthday. We can't beleive it! I can hardly wait for Ava's 9 month check up to see how much she has grown! Here is a quick glimpse of some of the things happening for Ava right now:
-Dragging. She's not technically crawling yet, she's dragging. This consists of stretching her arms out in front of her and dragging her entire body (tummy on the floor) forward. She's getting oh so close to crawling!
-Ava's top 2 teeth broke through her gums.
-Ava would much rather eat big person food than her baby food.
-Bottles are out the window.
-She is doing very well at standing up while using a table or toy for balance.
Another thing Ava has started doing... either squinting or closing her eyes in anticipation of the camera's flash. See what I mean?
Our love for Ava continues to grow exponentially everyday. She is one of the greatest blessings the Lord has ever given to us!
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