Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekend Wrap-up

Before I get into my blog today, Ava has something she wants to share with you:


I'm not quite sure what it means, other than the fact that she was bound and determined to mimic what I was doing on the keyboard.

Now, on to the blog... My parents came for a visit with us this weekend. As always, we enjoyed their company and we were sad to see them leave. While they were here, we all went over to one of Ava's favorite places, Bur-Mil Park. As always, Ava enjoyed the swing and riding down the twisty slide on someone's lap. One of her new adventures at the park this time around, was going down the baby slide by herself. When I say by herself, I mean I would put her at the top of it, Ava would slide down, and my mom would catch her at the bottom. Apparently the slide was full of static electricity because after many rides down the slide, her hair looked like this:

After our fun at the park, we came back to the house where I pulled out my guitar and my dad played for Ava. My dad is very talented on the guitar. I grew up listening to and singing with my dad play the guitar on our many camping trips. I think Ava is already a fan...

Later Saturday night, our Life Journey Group (Sunday School Class) got together for a Costume Party. Our costumes were inspired by Eric Carle's, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." Ava was The Caterpillar, I was The Butterfly and Matt was The Strawberry.

At some point during the night, Ava swapped her caterpillar hat for a mullet wig (one of our friends came dressed as Joe Dirt). Here is a view from the front...

The side....

And the back.... Some may say that this mullet is reminiscent of a hair style Aunt Erin had in her early years.

Somehow we managed to get all of the kids in a picture, together. From left to right: Izzy, Ethan, Ava, Tucker & Finn.

After all of the parents were done snapping photos, Ethan stuck around with his lady friends. He was actually a great sport because Ava kept grabbing his shirt...

And trying to take off his shoes...

Check back soon for pictures from Halloween and our Fall Photo Shoot! :)

1 comment:

The Usserys said...

Sorry, niece...your mullet doesn't touch mine :) hee hee. that picture is hilarious. miss that girl! Can't wait to see her soon!