Mullet: A hairstyle that is business in the front, and a party in the back. Also, a hairstyle that is currently atop sweet Ava's head.
To be fair to Ava, I have to explain that the mullet only comes out with a vengeance when the weather is cold and the air is dry. Normally, Ava has locks of beautiful curly hair sprouting from her head... especially if there is a hint of humidity in the air. Well, with the weather we've been having lately, I bet you can guess which hairstyle she has been rockin' lately.... Hello mullet.
Sure, you can clearly see the mullet throughout the day, weather permitting. There is no better time to catch a glimpse of the full mullet magnitude than during bath time though.
Scared Stiff Update: I am happy to announce that Ava is making great progress when up on her feet. She is no longer 'scared stiff' when holding on to furniture. Now, she moves from the chair to the table independently. Cautiously, but independently. She also enjoys pulling up on the TV cabinet and getting her eyes as close as possible to the screen. Great. (Don't worry, we moved her away from the TV as soon as we asked her to point to the Low Pressure System coming our way.)
Along with pulling up on everything in sight, Ava is getting more proficient at standing up, without holding on to anything! Her favorite time to show off that latest trick is while helping me fold throw laundry on the floor.

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