Ava may have been slow to walk, but she has made up for it by being quick to talk...
To many of you, this post may be quite a snoozer. All I am going to do is list the words that Ava can currently say. Boring, I know. You see, I am one of the world's worst at scrap-booking and keeping up with Ava's baby book. To make up for my lack of writing things down in a book, I plan to turn this blog into one. 20 years from now, I would love to look back and see what Ava was able to say at 15 months of age. The following list shows words that Ava can say, unprompted and independently.
Here are the current words I can think of. There may be more, but these come to mind quickly.
Oma = Mmmm-Ma
Opa = Pa Pa
Poppy = Pop Pop
Jesus = Jee-Juh
Jack = Ja
Ziya (Our Lunch Buddy at Joyner Elementary) = Yie-Yah! (Yie, like 'pie')
Drink = Dink
Fergie = Dergie
Football = Bootball (rhymes with football)
Buh Bye/Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Moon = Boon
Balloon (Bah-ooon)
Banana = Nana
Airplane = Payne
Please = Pea
Thank You = Dank Doo
Fish = Sish
Swoosh = Shhhh
Bird = Bid
Bed = Bud
Elmo = Meh-Mo
Bath = Baa
Toothbrush = Buh
Pull-up Bar = Bar (almost with a British accent)
Shoe = Ooo
Star = Dar
Penguin = Pey-Pey
Butterfly = Buy-eeee/Buh-Buy-eeeee
Toe = Tuh
Tar Heels = Dee Dees
Turtle = Tuh-doh
TV Remote = Mote
Amen = May-Men
Church = Chich
Pom Pom
Car = Ca
Cookie = Tuh-Tee
M&M = Meh Meh Mem
Belt = Boop
Truck = Duck
Biskie (Ava's rear end) = Bip-pee
Cracker = Ka-Ka
Broccoli = Bick-key
Tent = Tin
Computer = Poo-Der
Phone = Own
Hat = At
Mitten = Bip-Ben
Dirty = Dir-Dee
Mail = Mole
Belly Button = Bo Bo
-When she sees a candle or fireplace, Ava points to it and says, "ot" (hot).
-What does a tiger say? Roar!
-What does a ghost say? Boo!
-What does a cow say? Booooooooooooooooo (we're working on the 'm' sound)
-What does Santa say? Oh oh oh
-What does the clock say? Bong
-What does an owl say? Whooooooo
-What does a squirrel say? (She makes a clicking sound with her tongue)
-When we bring food over to high chair, Ava clasps her hands and says, "pay" (pray).
-When the car pulls into the driveway, Ava says, "ome" (home).
-When she sees a camera, Ava says, "Deeez" (cheese).
-When a basketball game is on the TV, she enthusiastically says, "BALLLLLL!"
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