Several weeks ago, teeth #15 and #16 started making their appearance in Ava's mouth. The teeth have since completely broken through her gums, and today, they have been giving Ava a run for her money. While I hate that Ava is experiencing pain, I am loving how cuddly she is today. Anytime I pick her up, Ava puts her head on my shoulder, wraps her arms around my neck and lets out a quiet, "Oh." ...As if to say, "Oh Mommy, it feels so good being held in your arms. Can I stay here all day?" Poor girl, but teething is an inevitable part of growing up. Matt and I are thankful that Ava is developing right on track, but we are praying that God will ease her pain!
Ava showed off her 16 pearly whites this morning while saying cheese (deese) for the camera. Click on the photo to zoom in and get the full effect. 6 teeth on the top, 6 teeth on the bottom and all 4 1-year molars are present and accounted for. On a side note, take a look at Ava sporting her sunglasses, pajamas, bed head and blanket. A little crazy, I know, but she sure looks ready to hit the road and take a run with me!
While we're on the 'teeth' topic, let's talk brushing. On any given morning or night, you can find Ava walking around our living room, brushing her own teeth. I figure a little independent practice is necessary, right? After a few minutes of brushing on her own, I enter the scene, just to make sure Ava has thoroughly cleaned every nook and cranny in her mouth. Half of the time, she accepts my help with a smile and allows me to finish the job. Like this....
The other half of the time, well.... She kicks, flails, screams and fights me.
I even have to resort to pinning her arms under my knees while trying to render her head motionless with my legs. It is an exhausting and hilarious event, I must say. Fortunately, like previously mentioned, Ava only rejects my dental hygienic help about 50% of the time.
I am not exactly sure when this happened. At one point, Ava always welcomed my help during brushing time... enjoyed it even. This is a battle I will ultimately win! It may take some time, but Mommy will prevail! Hmm... All of a sudden I have Kelly Clarkson's "Miss Independent" in my head right now. Wonder why? :)
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