Finally, the crazy temperatures this winter dipped below the freezing mark at the same time some precipitation headed our way. What does that mean? Snow! Not much, but snow, nonetheless.
I have lived in a hand full of different states, but two of them (Utah and Michigan) are known for snow. Snow runs in my veins and I was so excited to see some falling from the sky yesterday afternoon. So excited in fact, that I woke Ava up a little early from her nap (bad idea #1), forced her out of bed (bad idea #2) and made her come outside with me (bad idea #3). If you know my daughter, you know she likes her sleep. You probably also know that she does not like to be disturbed or taken out of her bed until she is good and ready. In other words, this is what happened when I introduced her to the snow...
Not a happy camper.
In Ava's defense, the falling precipitation was not yet 100% snow... So not only was Ava ripped out of her warm and comfy bed. She was thrown out into the freezing snow and pelting sleet.
Once we came back inside, Ava was perfectly fine. She brought all of her friends to the front door to watch the snow fall.
(I would have loved to continue this post with several of the adorable pictures I took of our family last night. However, my camera and my computer decided to have a fight, and I lost about 100 pictures during an attempted upload. I cannot begin to describe my frustration. My computer better be glad it does not have a face. Because I would have punched it.)
So instead of pictures, here is a quick run down of what happened last night...
Right at Ava's bed time, Matt and I decided it would be fun to take a walk around the neighborhood in the snow. I pulled Ava's snow suit out of the closet and when she saw it, she screamed, "No!"
I had to body slam Ava to the floor and pin her down to get the snow pants and jacket on. Just picture me trying to put a snow suit on a squirming, squealing pig... All of this while Ava was still shouting, "No! No!"
Matt and I forcefully put Ava in our jogging stroller and headed out the door into the dark, snowy, silent night. And again, Ava was yelling, "No! No! No!"
Ava's bad attitude didn't last long. By the time we made it to the end of our driveway, Ava turned her "No's" into, "Oh. So pretty!"
Ok, now fast forward to this morning. I let Ava wake up on her own. Lesson learned from yesterday. When Ava came to the front of the house, she seemed very intrigued by the 2 inches of snow she could see out the front windows. I was thrilled! Ava's grumpy attitude was gone, and she was ready to go outside and enjoy the snow. Wrong. I pulled out the snow suit one more time and as soon as Ava saw it.... "No! No! No, mommy. No go outside!" What in the world?
Me: Ava, why don't you want to go outside?
Ava: (Looks out the window for a few seconds, then back at me) Santa out there.
Wow. I would have never come to that conclusion on my own, but it makes perfect sense. Every time Ava sees a picture of Santa, snow is involved. (Ava is perfectly fine with Santa, as long as he is in a picture. The real deal is another story. She's terrified.) It's no wonder she saw the snow and thought Santa was just outside the door.
Once I assured her that Santa was not in our backyard, we suited up, and ventured out into the snow.
Sadly, the following picture is the only one I have of Ava 'playing' in the yard. The others were destroyed in that whole camera/computer debacle I mentioned earlier.
So thankful we finally got some snow this season!
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