Sunday, April 01, 2012

2nd Annual Holbrook Easter Egg Hunt

For the second year in a row, our Life Journey Group had an Easter Egg Hunt/Cookout at the house of our good friends, Marc & Lauren... And for the second year in a row, our plans to have the Egg Hunt on a Saturday were rained out and we rescheduled for Sunday after church.

The sun came out, the grass dried up, everyone showed up and the party was ON! After everyone ate, the kids played in the back yard while the front yard was covered with brightly colored, candy filled eggs.

After counting to 3, the kids were off... It was hysterical to see the different egg-hunting styles between all of the kids. There were the "I am going to run around faster than lightening, and pick up as many eggs as humanly possible" kids. And then there was Ava... She gradually made her way over to a egg (and may I note Ava passed about 50 eggs before settling on the perfect one), picked it up, shook the egg to see if anything was inside, and dropped it into her basket. When the hunt was over, Ava had collected a dozen or so eggs to take home and enjoy.

The Egg Hunt may have been done, but the playing had only begun...

Ava got a chance to drive a Power Wheel for the first time. She loved it! Too bad she is almost too big for it.

We had a record 75 people attend the Egg Hunt & Cookout. Everyone had a great time, and we are all looking forward to the 3rd Annual Egg Hunt next year!

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