I have truly enjoyed every stage of Ava's short, but flying before my eyes, life. Really and truly. Every. Stage. What I enjoy most about Ava's current stage of development is seeing her imagination take off, her sense of independence grow, and her desire to play with me. Yes, that's right... her DESIRE to play with me. I am sure the day will come when playing with me will be embarrassing and an occasional (yet, accidental) eye roll will follow my questions, "Ava, would you like to go shopping with me? Go to the pool with me? Come to the store with me? Watch a movie with me?..." Ava, if you are reading this in about 10 years, know that at one point in your life, you actually asked me and Dad to play with you and your toys.
What is even more endearing than Ava wanting to engage with me and play with her toys, is the way she asks... She shrugs her shoulders, tilts her head to the side, scrunches up her face, puts her hands in front her of her palms up, and says, "Want play with my toys?" I am always amazed at Ava's vocabulary and sentence structure, but it melts my heart when her sentences are not always grammatically correct. It reminds me that even though Ava is growing like a weed, she is still my baby girl.
No matter when Ava asks if I would like to play with her... Tomorrow, a month from now, 10 years from now... I pray that I always step away from the business of life to not only play, but cherish such precious moments with my baby.
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