This evening, Matt and I took Ava to her 2nd high school football game. Ava had a blast. The lights, sounds, band, cheers, color guard, football players, cheerleaders were more than enough to keep here little mind entertained. When Matt and I weren't watching the game or taking care of Ava, we took a few moments to gaze at the high school students... in astonishment. Now, I know that I was no angel in high school, and I probably said and did things that onlookers found annoying, amusing and stupid. But I also know that my annoying, amusing and stupid antics were nothing compared to what we saw tonight. I'm so glad I'm not in high school anymore! **I must also mention that I know not all high school students fall into the category mentioned above. I am honored and privileged to know many, many wonderful high school students who knowingly and unashamedly choose to take the road less traveled!**
In other happenings...
We enjoyed a visit from my parents this past Monday. Ava loved getting to spend time with her Oma and Opa. We enjoyed a great picnic at Country park, followed by...
...swinging! What else?
Ava also enjoys playing with what I call her 'table toys.' She currently has 2 toys that allow her to play while strengthening her leg muscles. She's quite efficient at standing up while playing... it's the whole falling to the right and left thing that needs some work.
A few days ago, Ava and I were playing together in her room. I stepped out into the hallway for a second and returned to the following scene. Fergie had cuddled up with Ava and Ava had found Fergie's collar. Actually, along with the collar, Ava was gently touching Fergie's ears, nose and foot. I was actually quite impressed with both of them. I was impressed that Ava was being very careful with Fergie and not ripping out her fur. I was equally impressed that Fergie just sat there and let Ava play with her.
This next picture isn't particularly good. Actually, it's pretty horrible, but at the moment, it is the only picture I have that documents Ava's top two teeth. They are only peeking through the gums and they are already huge! Looks like she may have her mama's giant horse teeth. That's fine with me though... even though my teeth are big, they are cavity free. I would certainly appreciate having a child with zero cavities at future dentist appointments!
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