Sunday, September 05, 2010

It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

Typically, on the first Sunday of every month, our Life Journey Group goes out to lunch together after church. Sadly, we have had a difficult time finding a restaurant in the area that have both quick service and the capacity to seat 20+ people and children together. Our solution this month was to meet at a park. Everyone brought their own food, so service wasn't needed. We had plenty of seating with all of our blankets and chairs, so space wasn't an issue. Plus, there was a playground for the kids. Hmm... I think we may be on to something.

We could not have asked for a more beautiful day for our class picnic. Thank you, Lord! Here's a quick recap of the day: 

Ava enjoyed some social time with friends Izzy and Asher. These 3 are all very close in age: Izzy/November 22, Ava/December 3, Asher/December 25.

Ava and Izzy enjoyed swinging together. 

While swinging, Ava hammed it up, as usual. Love my girl.

Tucker made monster faces.

Ava and Izzy posed for a girly picture. Izzy looked beautiful and Ava looked, drunk? 

On top of everything featured above, the husbands played frisbee and football while the wives watched the kids and talked. I didn't get any pictures of the husbands and wives because, let's face it, the kids are always the star of the show. There were several more children that came to play today, but for some reason they were hard to capture on film. Probably because they are slightly more mobile than the ones who can only crawl at this point.

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