Ava: [ey-vuh] Noun, a given name, female. Meaning: Like a bird.
-Tude: [tood] Noun, slang. Definition: As a word in its own right, teenager slang shortening of attitude, it dates from 1970s.
Ava-Tude: [ey-vuh-tood] Noun, display of behavior. Definition/Meaning: See picture below.
Terrible 2s? Not in this house! How about Terrible 18 months. If it starts early, does that mean it will end early also? Let's hope so. Lately, Matt and I have been dealing with a bit of Ava-tude from our beloved daughter. Fortunately, few friends and family members have been subject to such behavior. If you are in the majority of people who have not seen Ava's Ava-tude, consider yourself lucky... Because in the words of my sister-in-law, "If tantrums could kill, we'd be dead."
The Ava-tude may or may not make an appearance during the following situations (this is the annoying part of the Ava-tude right now... it's completely unpredictable! What bothered Ava yesterday may have no effect on her today):
1. If you look at Ava for too long.
2. If you touch anything within a 10 foot radius of Ava.
3. If you look at Ava, touch anything within a 10 foot radius, or walk in her general direction while she is on a playground.
4. If Ava does not get her milk 5 minutes before she asks for it.
5. If you tell her it is time to come inside and she is not done playing outside.
6. If Ava does not get ketchup with every meal (I have started grabbing extra ketchup packets from a certain fast food chain, known for their chicken sandwiches, and storing them in Ava's bag on the off chance we go to a restaurant that does not have ketchup. It's that bad.)
7. If you breathe the wrong way, move the wrong way, sing the wrong way, dance the wrong way, play the wrong way...
Now, please understand that our daughter does not display her Ava-tude 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Actually, the times that the Ava-tude comes out of hibernation are few and far between... Just know that when the Ava-tude appears, it is monumental. Parenting a child with a new found attitude has definitely been a learning experience for us. We know that we will make mistakes along the way and we know that we won't always know what to do. How comforting though to know that our biggest advocate and supporter is God?! No matter how fierce the Ava-tude, we are so thankful that God has given us the privilege to be Ava's parents!
As hilarious as the 'Ava-tude' picture is, let me leave you with an image of how Ava is the other 97% of the time.
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