Sunday, July 24, 2011

Table Manners

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner typically follow a similar pattern in our house. Pray. Eat. Goof off. Eat some more. Goof off some more. Call it quits.

Ava is a phenomenal eater (quality AND quantity), and for the most part, she has excellent manners. In between 'please' and 'thank you,' Ava spends her time stuffing her face, and making Matt and I laugh. Ava comes up with some of the funniest sounds, phrases and body motions, all of which get quite a reaction from anyone sitting at the table. And trust me, I'm not just saying she's funny because I am her mom, and I'm supposed to... Ava is genuinely funny! I believe she may be following her dad's footsteps in the "Class Clown" department.

Once Ava gets us laughing, she laughs even harder and it becomes a very difficult cycle to break. See...



I mean?

Another one of Ava's table tricks is one that I don't quite understand. It all started a few weeks ago, when out of no where, Ava decided to eat her lunch with her eyes shut. Now, at the end of almost every meal, Ava shuts her eyes, puckers her lips, breathes very hard out of her nose, and proceeds to tap around the table/plate with both hands, as if to search for any remaining scraps of food. During this search for food, Matt and I lovingly call Ava, "The Blind Child," while quoting one of the greatest movies of all time, A Christmas Story. "It... It 'twas.... Soap Poisoning!"

On a completely unrelated note... Ava has now mastered the art of pushing her new stroller (see previous post). She still does not allow her baby doll to ride in the stroller, but at least Ava no longer picks the stroller up when we walk down the street. This is progress!

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