Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ava's First Birthday Party

No, no, no. Time doesn't fly by that fast! :) It wasn't Ava's party, it was Tucker's! Ava had a blast celebrating Tucker's 3rd birthday with him, his family and friends! Ava was definitely the youngest guest in attendance. She was outnumbered as well... Of all of the guests at the party, I think there were only 3 girls, including Ava!

Here is Ava with the Birthday Boy! Can you tell that Tucker had a Mickey Mouse themed party? Look at those ears!

Tucker made out like a bandit. He received more toys than he'll know what to do with, I'm sure. This party is definitely making me think about Ava's future birthday parties. Her birthday is only 22 days before Christmas. Birthday presents AND Christmas presents that close together? I think not! I'm going to have to get creative and figure something else out!

Check out Tucker's cake! His mom, Lauren, is known for her awesome cake decorating abilities. I think she has done every cake for every baby shower, birthday party, etc. You can certainly tell why she's called upon to cater the cake needs for such events! I'm in charge of the cake for Lauren's upcoming baby shower... Great! No pressure on me! :)

I love this next photo. Matt and his little lady. Stylin'.

After several hours of hard birthday partying, Ava crashed. She was really just checking out Finley's future crib (Finley is the baby in 'cake decorater Lauren's' stomach).

Ava has rolled over several times! Has she done it for dad? Nope. Has she done it for any other person who can vouch for me? Nope. Has she done it for the camera? Nope. Hopefully she'll figure out that all cool babies roll over, and she'll show off her skills to other people.

Ava, my mom and I head out to Utah tomorrow! Keep us in your prayers for safe travel. Can't wait to share our pictures with you!

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