Saturday, March 06, 2010

3 Months of Pure Love

So, I'm a few days late in getting Ava's 3 month pictures on the blog... You have my guarantee though, that the latest teddy bear shots were taken on her actual 3 month birthday, March 3rd. 3 months. Wow! It sounds even harder to believe when you say, 'a quarter of the year!' Matt came up with that one the other day. I know it's still just 3 months, but when you actually have the word 'year' in there... it makes it sound much longer! :)

So here's our girl, with her teddy bear, at 3 months. What a cutie!

Here she is with her teddy bear at 2 months... She's definitely a little bigger now!

And here is the biggest change... Ava with her teddy at 1 month. Holy smokes! She definitely went through a growth spurt from month 1 to 2. I already can't believe she was ever that tiny!

These next 2 photos are from the '3 month photo shoot.' I thought they were hilarious, so of course I had to share them!... 

On this first one, can't you just hear Ava saying, "Is all of that MY stomach?" What can I say, she's a healthy girl!
This one was just so funny to me. She looks like she's in a milk coma.

Let me introduce you to one of Ava's newest friends. It's green, it's a frog (already has my approval) AND it's a humidifier. Yes, you can see the humidifying vapors coming out of his eye balls in the following picture!

About a week ago, Ava wasn't eating well, didn't look like she was feeling well, and she just wasn't herself. We took her temperature (at 10:30 at night) and found she had a fever of 100.7. This was the first time she had a fever, so of course, we were a little paranoid. Long story short, she ended up having a nasty little cold. The doctor recommended that we put a humidifier in her room. "Where are we going to get a humidifier at 11pm?" Marc and Lauren Holbrook's house! That's where. Thanks guys, for letting us borrow Tucker's, and for letting us get it at such a late hour. Now that we have our own humidifier, we won't be calling you at 11pm anymore... That is unless, we need something else in a jiffy! ;)

Matt and I have slowly come to the realization that Ava is a Balding Beauty. When she was born, she had a head full of hair! This was a pleasant surprise to us since Matt and I had as much hair as Charlie Brown when we were born. Take a look at the back of Ava's head on the day she was born...

Now take a look at the back of Ava's head, present day. Yeah, a bit of a difference. She still has a good bit of hair on the top of her head... But it seems that the car seat, crib, bouncy seat, bathtub and swing have secretly been collecting hair samples from the back of her head over the past 3 months. 

We hope you all are doing well out in Blogger Land! Please keep Ava, my mom and I in your prayers. We have rescheduled our trip out to Utah for March 15th. Please pray for safe travel and that Ava's cold is over and done with by the time we leave! I hope to have lots of great pictures from our trip posted shortly after we get back!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

She has certainly filled out. Love the balding! Prayers for a safe trip and for Ava to not get too thrown off with traveling :)