Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Pool Day

This past weekend we went to go visit my parents. The temperature outside was 104 degrees. There is only one thing to do when it is that hot... go swimming!

Our day started by grabbing what we could carry, and walking over to the pool.

Ava was excited to jump in and splash around with Oma and Opa.

Then, the craziness began. If you regularly follow this blog, then you know that when Matt and my brother get near a swing set, they like to compete to see who can jump off the highest, farthest, craziest.... Apparently the same rules apply at a swimming pool. The only difference is that at a pool, Matt and Ryan can land however they want to, and not get hurt.

My brother looks like he has been decapitated.

While the boys practiced their jumping skills, Ava enjoyed a snack....

And some smooches from Oma...

And soaking up the sun.

More jumping.

And more....

I couldn't sit on the sidelines anymore, so I got in on the action. As seen in the following picture, I didn't master the technique, or distance to be captured on film the first go-around.

My brother and I thought this next one would be great. Our plan was to jump in the air, facing each other, while doing a karate kick. The only problem... we actually managed to kick each other. Owie.

I wouldn't call it perfection, but you can at least see both of us, and no one got hurt.

Not to be out done, my dad joined the jumping party.

At the end of the day, all 3 men decided to spell out Ava's name. From left to right: My brother, making one of the strangest A's I've ever seen. My dad, making what looks like a Y, instead of a V. Matt, making the most recognizable letter in the bunch. Unfortunately, Ava was not impressed.

Thanks, Oma and Opa, for letting us cool off in your neighborhood pool!

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