Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oh, Christmas Tree

This evening, Matt, Ava and I went to pick out our Christmas Tree. I can't believe that this is Ava's 3rd Christmas! Sigh. I vividly remember the first time we took Ava to get a tree... She was only 6 days old. Now she is on the verge of being 2 YEARS old. Where does the time go?

Matt and Ava posed for a quick picture with, "Big Santa."

Ava got brave enough to hug Big Santa all by herself.

Of course, Little Santa was not to be left out...

After Ava hugged all of the Santas, she ran through all of the trees.

We found the perfect tree and loaded it on top of the family-mobile.

While Matt and I decorated the tree, Ava played with the 'Thing We Use to Water the Tree.' Like my technical name for it?

Then Ava pretended to drink from it...

And finally, she attacked her Little People Nativity set with it.

After all was said and done, we picked and decorated one gorgeous tree!

We hope your family is taking the time to slow down, enjoy the season, and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!

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