Sunday, November 13, 2011

What Ever Happened To Thanksgiving?

I went shopping at Target on Halloween. I was looking for some sort of Halloween decoration for our house. I know it was at the last minute, but I expected to walk in, find what I needed, and walk out. I was mistaken. All of the Halloween items had been cleared out and put on clearance and in their place.... Christmas stuff!

I love all things Christmas just as much as the next person, but it really ruffles my feathers that our society has apparently forgotten about Thanksgiving. We go from Halloween (a holiday all about GETTING candy) to Christmas (a holiday that should be about Christ, but society places more emphasis on GETTING presents). 2 Holidays about getting, and we leave out the one about being thankful for everything we have.

I do not want Ava to grow up in a world, or at least a household, where Thanksgiving is just a day to be out of school/work and eat. This year, in an attempt to focus on Thanksgiving, we made a 'Thankful Tree.' On each leaf, I wrote one thing that Matt, Ava and I are thankful for.

First and foremost...

Along with our...

And, well....

Not only did we have a great time as a family writing down all of the things we are thankful for... But it really did make us realize how abundantly blessed we are!

After we had written on all of our leaves, I started hanging them on the branches. I didn't pay attention to where each leaf was hung. After all, each leaf represented something we are thankful for, big or small. Once all of the leaves were hung, I stood back to take a look at our tree. I couldn't help but think that God was looking down at our tree and smiling since 'God' and 'Pacifier' shared the same branch... As did 'Jesus' and 'Oatmeal.' :)

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