Saturday, January 28, 2012


Recently, with birthday money from my grandmother, we bought Ava a membership to the Children's museum. Or as Ava says, "moo-see-um." Today, my parents came to town, and we spent most of the day playing and exploring at the moo-see-um.

Hands down, Ava's favorite part of the museum is the train. Not because she is obsessed with trains in general, but because she is specifically obsessed with The Polar Express. Until she can read the plaque that says, "Gate City Express" on the side of the train, she can think it's The Polar Express for the next couple of years.

Ava enjoyed serving Oma and Opa hot chocolate while riding on TPE.

Ava went to a campground, and sat around a fire.

She fell in love with the cot at the campground.

And pretended to fall asleep. Don't you love her relaxed sleeping face?

Ava and my mom climbed into a cockpit and flew a plane.

Ava ran up to the plane's engine (which was spinning and making me very dizzy), touched it, then ran away laughing... about 100 times.

She cooked a meal.

And served the meal to Oma.

Ava picked flowers from the garden.

Apparently, said flowers were radioactive... Check out that glowing mullet golden hair.

While all of this was going on, Matt found a table of wooden blocks and immediately turned into a 5 year old boy.

See the fire truck? See the tree? See Ava hiding behind the tree? I am not sure why, but Ava was terrified of the fire truck.

I took this picture while sitting in the driver's seat of the fire truck. Ava is kneeling on the steps to get in the fire truck saying, "No! No mommy, no!" If Ava wasn't going to enjoy riding in the fire truck, nobody was.

Ava and Oma hopped in the police car and took a ride to the slammer.

Ava played receptionist...

And then took care of the babies at the hospital.

She went to the grocery store.

Then played with puzzles...

Worked on her gross motor skills...

Threw brightly colored geometric shapes into a blue barrel...

And painted a masterpiece.

Whew! Ava had a busy day. This explains why she looks simply exhausted (yet adorable) in the final picture. Ava loves the moo-see-um and can't wait to go back. Thanks to her membership, we'll be back soon!

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