Saturday, May 05, 2012


There have been several transitions that have taken place in the Gardner household over the past month or so. Transitions that are so significant, they could even be called milestones. No matter what you call them, we're so proud of Ava for the changes that have recently taken place.

Transition #1: March 25, 2012
The weekend of March 23rd-25th, Matt and I hosted a group of 6th grade girls and 2 college leaders for our church's Boot Camp weekend. Matt and I planned on having the 2 college leaders sleep in Ava's bunk beds for the weekend. The only problem with that... The rail that is supposed to go on the top bunk was attached to the bottom bunk since Ava was still getting used to her big girl bed. I'm sure that the college girls would have been fine without a rail, but I didn't want to risk having anyone not only fall out of bed, but fall 6 feet out of bed before hitting a hardwood floor.

So, the rail was moved for Boot Camp weekend, and when the weekend was over, we never moved it back. Ava has been sleeping soundly, and safely in her big girl bed ever since.

Transition #2: April 2, 2012
Ava stopped using her paci. No, that's not a typo... Let me say type it again... Ava stopped using her PACI! It wasn't voluntary, and to be honest, for the first few nights, it wasn't pleasant... But here's how it happened: Before bed, I noticed a small hole/slit in the part of the paci that goes in Ava's mouth. I immediately had thoughts of the mentioned rubber part of the paci breaking off in the middle of the night and choking Ava in her sleep. Instead of replacing Ava's paci with a new one, Matt and I showed her the hole, told her it was broken and took it away. Tears were shed... From Ava because her beloved paci was gone... And from me and Matt because this was yet another sign that our little girl is growing up.

The following day, Matt and I took Ava to Target where she was able to pick out a toy and 'buy' it with her paci. Ava picked out a Baby B'Jorn for her small army of baby dolls, then handed the cashier her paci in exchange for the toy (Side note: Matt and Ava walked out of Target a few steps ahead of me so that I could get the paci back from the cashier, without Ava knowing, so that I can put it in her memory box). I am happy to announce that after only a few nights of crying for her paci, Ava now goes to bed pacifier free.

Transition #3: April 9, 2012
This one, ladies and gentlemen, is the biggest and most exciting transition of all. AVA IS POTTY TRAINED! One of my friends told me about a 3 Day Potty Training Boot Camp and I decided to try it while Morgan was at home with her mom for a week. I am proud to report that Ava did not have an accident past lunch time on DAY ONE! Ava has been peeing and pooping (excuse my potty talk, but this is big news) in the toilet everyday since! She loves her big girl underwear and I love that she picked up on it so quickly, that Ava will never have another poopy diaper to change, and that I can carry a purse instead of a diaper bag when we leave the house! So proud of my growing little girl and all of her accomplishments!

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