Friday, May 21, 2010

Here Come the Chompers

After waking up and getting our routine in motion this morning, I noticed 2 little white specs in Ava's mouth. Normally, I would think the white specs were spit up, or fuzz, from putting her socks in her mouth. Neither of these scenarios were the case today however. Our little girl has teeth! Two little teeth peeking their way through her bottom gum. I knew this day was coming soon... Her drool and nighttime fussiness let me know that teething was right around the corner. I must admit, it was a bittersweet moment for me. I was excited to see that Ava continues to reach milestones in her life, yet sad to think about how fast she is growing up!

I have not captured her little teeth with our camera yet. Truth be told, her teeth are so tiny you wouldn't be able to see them in a picture yet anyway. I'm sure I'll be able to post a toothy photo soon enough. In remembrance of Ava's adorable toothless grin, here are a few of our favorite pictures:

Goodbye, toothless grin. Hello, chompers! Here's to hoping you have your Mommy's teeth!

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