Monday, July 04, 2011

Fun Fourth

The 4th of July is a day set aside to celebrate our Nation's freedom, enjoy time with friends and family, set of fireworks... And in true American tradition... cookout!

After putting on her stars and stripes, Ava gave herself one look in the mirror and said, "Oooh. Pitty!" Just in the past several days, she has become a major fan of dresses.

Ava and I were so thankful to have Matt home with us all day today.

We also celebrated the day with my parents, brother, and his girlfriend, Kayla.

Mimi and Poppy joined our festivities as well. Ava was in heaven! Both sets of grandparents at her house at the same time... what more could a granddaughter want?

Sadly, the sparkler seen below is as close as we got to any fireworks tonight. After seeing a few fireworks at the beach, Ava quickly discovered she is not a fan. Ever since we returned home from the beach, Ava will cover hear ears, get a look of horror on her face, and say, "booms" at any sound that remotely similar to a firework. Airplanes, garbage truck, car doors slamming... Maybe we'll have better luck next year!

Happy 4th of July! I hope you have had a wonderful day celebrating with your friends, family and loved ones.

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