Sunday, July 17, 2011

P is for Picnic

This evening was spent at Bur-Mil Park, enjoying our annual church picnic. There was great food (and lots of it), games, fellowship and good times had by all.

As soon as the lines formed for the food, I jumped in one of them and put together what I thought was a perfect plate for Ava. She apparently had other thoughts because instead of eating the food off of her plate, she ate all the food off of mine. Including my corn on the cob.

This little cutie is Miss Brooklyn. She is one of the happiest babies I have ever met.... And boy does she know how to work it for a camera! Ava enjoyed getting to play with Brooklyn while the men played frisbee and us ladies got to do what we do best.... talk.

Ava and Brooklyn even got to enjoy a wagon ride together. And again, Brooklyn was turning on the charm for the camera. As soon as she saw me take the camera out, Brooklyn smiled from ear to ear... While Ava just stared at the camera as if to say, "Really? More pictures?"

Matt and I take Ava to Bur-Mil park on a pretty regular basis, but somehow we have missed this particular playground on our previous visits. Ava loves cars and trucks, so this was right up her alley!

We're so thankful that God has blessed us with so many wonderful friends through our church!

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