Monday, December 05, 2011

Laundry Baskets Are Bullies Too

Do you remember when I mentioned the bathtub that hit Ava in the face and gave her a black eye? Apparently said bathtub conspired with my laundry basket to give Ava another shiner, and a split eyelid.

What in the world? How is it even possible to split your eye open on the rounded edge of a plastic laundry basket. Quite honestly, I saw Ava fall, and I knew that her face was what hit the laundry basket. I decided to pull the, "If I don't react, Ava will think everything is ok" card. I quickly turned my back to the situation, hoping that Ava would just brush it off. Brush it off she did, she barely made a peep. To my astonishment however, I found blood on her eyelid when I finally turned around. I sure am glad Ava is a tough cookie! And a cute one too! :)

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