Thursday, June 17, 2010

Battered & Bruised

So far, this bruise on my leg has taken on the following colors: red, yellow, green, blue and purple. This picture was taken only hours after my incident, so I am sure that more colors and darker colors are on the horizon. Just in time for a week of bathing suits and shorts at the beach. Great. I would love to be able to say that this bruise is a battle wound from P90X. Sadly, it is just a result of my clumsiness and a run-in with the gate in our backyard.

As if my bruise isn't bad enough, my mom will also have a bruise on her chin in the near future. Sheesh, us Smith women had a rough go of it today. While collapsing the back seats in her car today, the seat hit her in the chin, which shoved her head into the door frame of the car. What can I say? Like mother, like daughter.

Other than a few bumps and bruises, Ava and I enjoyed a wonderful visit with Oma the past 2 days. My mom drove out to our house to spend time with us, but also to take Fergie back with her to take care of her while we are at the beach. What a great Oma! My mom of course LOVED getting to spend some one-on-one time with Ava while I enjoyed being able to run around town without towing a diaper bag, stroller, baby, etc. Thanks mom, for watching Ava for me. I'm sure spending time with your granddaughter was a very difficult task to put up with for a day or two! :) We miss you already and can't wait until the next time we see you!

**As I am sitting here typing, Matt is doing P90X. I have the camera right here by my side, but he keeps looking at me, making sure the camera stays put. Have no fear, someday soon I will get a shot of Matt doing his workouts! To his credit, he has been very committed to doing these videos and already, on day 13 I can tell quite a difference! My hubby is living proof that those infomercials are FO REAL!**

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