Thursday, September 16, 2010

All I Want For Christmas...

...Is My Two Front Teeth! Well ladies and gents, we're several months away from Christmas, and Ava already has her two top teeth. I thought I would share this picture since it isn't nearly as creepy as the one I posted last time. My little girl doesn't look so little anymore. Those teeth make her look so much older! I'm a little nervous to see how big they will be once they are completely in. At this point, they are still just barely through her gums and they're already monstrous, like her mama's teeth!

Last week, Matt and Ava treated me to a night out on the town for my birthday. We went to one of my favorite restaurants... Village Tavern. We took advantage of the beautiful weather and sat outside on the patio. The ambiance outside was perfect, and it didn't hurt that I had this beautiful face staring at me the entire time...

If you look closely in the following picture, you can see that there are Christmas lights lining the inside of the patio umbrellas. Ava thought the lights were pretty cool. She pointed at them all night long. Ava is adding more and more to the list of things she can identify. Currently, Ava can successfully find and point to the following things:

circle (the canvases in her nursery)
monkey (a stuffed animal hanging above her changing table)
stars (ceramic stars hanging on a wall in our house)
Froggy (stuffed animal)

Along with swinging, we've added sliding to Ava's playground repertoire. Personally, I got a bigger kick out of watching Matt go down the slide than Ava. :)

**Rewind back to Ava being able to point at things... Several evenings ago, Matt and I were in the backyard with Ava enjoying the sunset. We pointed at the moon and Ava would do the same. After pointing and saying the word, "moon" several times, Ava looked up in the sky, pointed at the moon and said, "boon." It was a one time thing. It was probably more coincidental than intentional, but our hearts were racing at the thought of our daughter being able to soon communicate with speech! A few days later, Ava woke up from her nap, pointed to a lamp and said, "la." Again, not the entire word, but exciting nonetheless!**

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