Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday to... Us!

This past weekend, we headed East to my parent's house, for a three-way birthday celebration. We celebrated my birthday along with my brother's and Matt's. See, my brother and I have the same birthday, September 13th. No, we aren't twins, we are just exactly 2 years apart. It may not have been our favorite way to spend our birthday when we were kids, but now, we wouldn't have it any other way. Matt's birthday is right around the corner on October 6th. So since this past weekend was smack dab in between all of the birthday festivities, we decided to celebrate!

For some reason, Ava continues to be fascinated with my brother, Ryan. She wanted to look at everything he was wearing... His watch, his sunglasses, his hat. She was oh so careful with all of his belongings. Fortunately for us, that is how she treats pretty much everything she touches... very carefully.

Of course, we couldn't let an adorable photo opportunity pass us by. Although, I'm not sure if it is adorable, or gangster? Maybe both?

I think I have mentioned before that Ava would much rather eat table food than jarred baby food. I can't say that I blame her. Matter of fact, the times that she eats baby food from a jar are few and far between. Ava is far more interested in what we are eating. May I also add that she is far more interested in feeding herself than having one of us help her. Little Miss Independent. Don't worry... those aren't rabbit turds on the table. They are one of her favorites... Black beans!

For the past several years, my brother and I have opted against a traditional birthday cake. Instead, we choose to enjoy a dessert sent to earth directly from heaven. Three words my friends: Chocolate. Pudding. Cake. Mmmm. What is it? Chocolate cake mix, chocolate pudding mix, cocoa powder, milk, mini marshmallows, pecans and other yummy goodness baked together in a dutch oven, over an open fire. Top it off with a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream......... Mmmm..................... Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah. Chocolate pudding cake. All I can say is that the following picture does this decadent dessert absolutely no justice!

You can't tell by the following picture, but Ava now has 6 teeth that make up her pearly white grin. Two on the top and FOUR on the bottom. Of all people, my brother was the one who spotted the two new teeth popping out of her gums! I say 'of all people' because my brother had never held a baby until Ava came along. I was shocked that he found the two teeth that I had no clue were even there! Remember the fever and fussiness I mentioned in the previous post? Everyone kept telling me, "She must be teething!" I didn't really believe anyone, for several reasons. 1) Ava didn't run a fever with any of her other teeth. 2) There was a span of 5 months between her 1st and 2nd set of teeth. 3) Her top two teeth are still in the process of coming in. 4) For some reason, I thought that the next set of teeth to come in would be on the top, not the bottom. Live and learn! Next time more experienced moms tell me, "She must be teething," I'll probably believe them! :)

Just a cute picture of her pointing to her monkey. Every time Ava wakes up, she always points to her monkey to make sure he is in his place. Creature of habit, just like her mama.

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