Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Playdate

This morning Ava and I met up with some of our friends from MOPS, and we went to a pumpkin patch.

First, the kiddos listened to a woman read friendly Halloween stories while sitting on a pile of hay. Clearly, Ava and Izzy weren't too enthusiastic about story time. I do have to give them credit for quietly sitting and listening to the books though.

After story time, was the highlight of Ava's day... The hayride!

Again, the excitement on Ava's face may not be visible in this picture, but trust me, it's there. Hiding behind her, "please don't take another picture of me" glare.

What trip to the pumpkin patch is complete without running through a field of pumpkins and rolling them all over the place?

Cutie Pa Tootie Pumpkin + Cutie Pa Tootie Scarecrow = BFF

If anyone happened to see the moms set up for this picture, I'm sure they got a good laugh. This was one of those, 'everybody pick up your kids, run over to the hay pile, throw the kids down on the hay pile, back away as fast as you can, and take rapid fire pictures' moments. Of the 10 pictures I was able to take, I got at least one good one before kids started to freak out and/or get up and walk away.

Apparently Ava proposed to be life long friends with Izzy... with a pumpkin.

And Izzy accepted said proposal with a hug.

We spread out a blanket and enjoyed a picnic lunch while at the pumpkin patch. For whatever reason, Ava ate the majority of her lunch while leaning up against a tree.

Before it was time to leave, I wanted to get a picture of Ava and Izzy with their pumpkins. Izzy was willing, but Ava had moved from the 'please don't take another picture of me glare' to the 'I'm DONE' position.

I think Izzy was checking Ava's pulse to make sure she was ok.

Have no fear, Ava was fine, just a tad bit dramatic. We had a great time at today. Love fall, love pumpkins, love being outside in beautiful weather, and love my friends!

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